Mister Blister Privacy Policy

At Mister Blister, we respect the privacy of our website visitors and are committed to protecting it. This policy outlines how we handle your personal data.

Last Updated: March 1, 2023

What Data We Collect and Why

The personal data we gather from site visitors and newsletter subscribers helps us better understand readership to improve content and distribution. Collected data includes:

  • Contact information: Email, name, pharmacy name, and mailing address allow communicating distribution status and enabling subscriptions.
  • Demographic data: Specialty area, job title, and education level help tailor communications by role.
  • Survey data: Opinions submitted optionally on articles/topics help guide future coverage areas.
  • Website usage data: Site analytics regarding pages visited improve user experience by showing where to expand content.

How We Collect Data

Mister Blister collects data submitted voluntarily online or provided willingly offline:

  • Website form submissions like newsletter sign-ups
  • Entering information to access gated premium content
  • Responding to reader surveys about our publication
  • Providing your details to our sales staff

How We Use and Share Collected Information

Mister Blister uses data collected internally to communicate with readers, provide requested services, and inform editorial strategy. We may share information with partners involved in distribution, printing, and selected external tools assisting our operations.

Examples include:

  • Emailing newsletters and distribution updates
  • Facilitating access to gated content
  • Analyzing survey feedback to guide coverage
  • Communicating about advertising opportunities
  • Ensuring seamless website experience through analytics

We never sell reader data to external parties. Partners accessing data must comply with strict privacy guidelines protecting your information.

Securing Your Data

Mister Blister implements robust measures ensuring data safety and security including:

  • Encryption of sensitive personal information
  • Multi-factor authentication for cloud data access
  • Employee privacy training for handling data
  • Limited internal access based on job function
  • Contracts mandating privacy compliance from vendors
  • Routine auditing of security methods

Your Rights Over Data

You retain full rights regarding access and control over personal information provided to Mister Blister:

  • Access: Receive copies of data held upon request
  • Correction: Fix incorrect or incomplete information
  • Deletion: Delete any personal data fully should you no longer consent to its use
  • Restriction: Halt the processing of certain elements you specify
  • Objection: Object at any time to how your data is being handled
  • Complaint: File an official complaint about data practices with country authorities

To make choices regarding information in our possession, please email [email protected] or write our office address.

Changes to This Privacy Policy

We may occasionally update this policy to comply with regulations or add greater specificity on data handling practices. We will post any updates prominently with clear version history tracking and notification to readers.

Questions About This Policy

For any inquiries regarding this privacy policy or data practices, please email our data protection officer at [email protected].

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