The Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine fined Aptekar Group LLC for the production and sale of a coronavirus drug

This was reported on his page in social network by the Chairman of the Kyiv regional territorial branch of the AMCU Oleksiy Khmelnitsky.
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Alexey Khmelnitsky, chairman of the Kyiv regional territorial branch of the AMCU Alexey Khmelnitsky, said on his page on social network.

“Today they decided to fine the owners of the pharmacy for producing and distributing a drug that was advertised as a “coronavirus remedy”. It was called “Anticoronavirus”. A wave of outrage at the appearance of this “drug” swept through social networks back in March, and we took up the investigation at the same time.

Of course, there were no drugs for COVID-19 then, and there still are not. But there are drugs with the name “Anticoronavirus”. We conducted a survey, and found that when buying a drug labeled with the designation “ANTICORONAVIRUS”, in particular the drug of LLC “Aptekar Group”, 76.8% of respondents have the impression that it has prophylactic and / or therapeutic properties, “wrote Alexei Khmelnitsky.

According to the chairman of the Kyiv regional territorial branch of the AMCU, it was a conscious deception of people.

“Of course, we made a decision to penalize the company. A monetary fine – 30,000 hryvnias. And a stain on its reputation,” the official commented;

As we wrote, the company “Yuria-Pharm” was fined half a million hryvnias for advertising drugs for coronavirus.

By such actions, Yuria-Pharm violated competition law, misled consumers and could gain a competitive advantage over other drug manufacturers who did not disseminate false information about the therapeutic properties of their own drugs.

As part of ongoing monitoring of violations of legislation on protection against unfair competition in advertising of medicines, AMCU found on TV channel 1+1 a commercial of “Decasan”, which spread information that it “Acts on all complex viruses, including coronaviruses!”.

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