The Phenylephrine Paradox: What a U.S. FDA Decision Could Mean for Europe

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In a move that could reverberate across the Atlantic, a U.S. FDA advisory panel has unanimously declared that oral phenylephrine, a common ingredient in over-the-counter (OTC) cold medications, is ineffective for relieving nasal congestion. This decision could have implications for European consumers and regulators, as phenylephrine is also a staple in many European cold remedies. In Ukraine and CIS, phenylephrine is included in many popular products, such as Theraflu and Coldrex.

Regulatory Reckoning Across the Pond

The FDA’s Nonprescription Drugs Advisory Committee (NDAC) has questioned the efficacy of oral phenylephrine, a decision that could lead to its removal from the American market. While the FDA’s jurisdiction is limited to the U.S., such a high-profile decision could prompt European Medicines Agency (EMA) to revisit its own stance on phenylephrine-containing products.

The Science Behind the Decision

The FDA presented five studies that found oral phenylephrine to be no more effective than a placebo. Leslie Hendeles, PharmD, highlighted that “99% of the parent drug is inactivated in the gut and during the first pass through the liver.” This scientific scrutiny could serve as a reference point for European regulators and healthcare professionals.

Regulatory Changes and the CARES Act: A U.S. Context

The CARES Act of 2020 has streamlined the FDA’s review process for OTC drugs. While the European regulatory framework differs, the speed with which the FDA could potentially remove phenylephrine from the market might serve as a case study for European regulatory bodies.

Industry Resistance and European Implications

The Consumer Healthcare Products Association (CHPA), a U.S. industry group, has criticized the FDA’s decision. If the FDA moves forward, European pharmaceutical companies that export phenylephrine-containing products to the U.S. could face significant market changes.

What’s Next for European Consumers?

While phenylephrine’s efficacy is under scrutiny in the U.S., European consumers may wonder about alternatives. Leslie Hendeles reassured that effective OTC products, including phenylephrine and oxymetazoline nasal sprays, as well as oral pseudoephedrine, remain available. However, this U.S. decision could lead to increased scrutiny of phenylephrine-containing products in Europe.

As we approach the cold and flu season, the FDA’s final decision is eagerly awaited not just in the U.S., but potentially in Europe as well. Until then, the future of this once-trusted ingredient remains uncertain, leaving both the industry and consumers in a state of flux.

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Вильям Викхам

ветеран фармацевтической промышленности с более чем 25-летним опытом руководящей работы в сфере дистрибуции, маркетинга и регуляторных вопросов. Будучи генеральным директором компании Delta Medical, он обеспечил международную экспансию в Украину, Россию и Евразию. Уикхем также занимает должность управляющего директора по социальным маркетинговым инициативам, используя цифровые стратегии для усиления присутствия бренда. Его опыт в области соблюдения нормативных требований и подачи досье используется в качестве научного консультанта в компании Maxima Health Research CRO. Опыт работы в крупных фармацевтических компаниях делает Викхэма авторитетным специалистом в этой отрасли.

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