After the Ministry of Health of Ukraine conducted an audit of Donetsk National Medical University (DNMU) activities, numerous facts of violation of budget legislation and illegal use of state budget funds were revealed. This was the reason for the rotation of the acting rector – a decision was made to “reset” the management.
The new head of DNMU is Prof. Maya Ermolaeva, head of the Department of Internal Medicine No. 1 at DNMU.
The last war years and months were very difficult for SNMU – in 2014 moving from Donetsk to Kramatorsk, Slavyansk, Liman, Mariupol, and last year to Kropivnitsky. However, the institution survived and continued the educational process at the new location.
The newly appointed head of DNMU has a difficult task – to ensure quality educational process and proper functioning of all services of higher education, including the organization of distribution of graduates to internship, conducting admission campaign, preparation for accreditation of educational programs, etc.
The Ministry of Health notes that any manifestation of irresponsibility or corruption components in the WHS is unacceptable. Therefore, the Ministry of Health will continue to monitor and promptly respond to such situations.
SNMU now has 1,590 undergraduates, 672 interns, 12 graduate students, and 746 physician trainees during 2022.
Training is carried out at the level of higher education in specialties: “Medicine”, “Pediatrics”, “Dentistry”, “Pharmacy, Industrial Pharmacy”, “Public Management and Administration”.
The Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics and the Liman Medical Vocational College, which provides training at the level of professional higher education in the specialty of nursing (educational program Medical Business), also operate in the structure of the State National Medical University.