Author name: Мистер Блистер

Наймасовіше видання на фармринку, яке з 2002 року читають фармацевти, медики і не тільки

Наймасовіше видання на фармринку, яке з 2002 року гарантовано читають фармацевти, медики і не тільки.

Мистер Блистер

Omega-3: the body’s defense power

When we congratulate our loved ones on holidays, we necessarily wish them good health, but the body does not always work like a good Swiss watch. Infections, viruses and other “contagions” can catch anyone. The only (and, incidentally, natural) defense of the body is the immune system, which every day stands guard over health. However, it cannot cope without our help.

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Top 5 modern mom’s top 5 lifehacks for preventing colds in teens

Yesterday he was a child, and today he is already a teenager. You are quietly building a career, worrying less about sick leave, because the fear of another runny nose from day care is a thing of the past. Now you have new worries: controlling your studies, tolerating your child’s emotional outbursts and remaining the closest person to your daughter or son.

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Delta Medical has entered the top 5 pharmaceutical companies in Ukraine.

Delta Medical has entered the top five pharmaceutical companies in Ukraine, as reflected in the ranking compiled by the “TOP-100. Ratings of the Largest” magazine. This achievement not only signifies the company’s professional work and innovative drugs it takes pride in but also underscores its responsibility during a challenging period for Ukraine.

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