Five key questions about military registration, combat operations and traveling abroad for female doctors and pharmacists

Since January 1, all medicines and pharmacists have been obligingly moving to the front line. We have selected species based on the broadest nutritional requirements for the military environment, which is what women who work in the medical room may face in the coming years.
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1. Who must go to the military registration and enlistment office?

The requirement to register for military service from October 1, 2023, is relevant for women doctors and women pharmacists who are not yet registered for some reason, the Ministry of Health writes.

2. How much time do you have to get registered?

Women who have a medical or pharmaceutical specialty will have 3 years to register for military service – until December 31, 2026. However, starting from January 2023, women studying in medical or pharmaceutical specialties will be registered for military service immediately after graduation.

The educational institution submits lists of graduates to the territorial recruitment centers 2 months before graduation.

3. Will all women who come to the military registration and enlistment office go to war?

Registration for military service is NOT equal to mobilization. The registration is only necessary to summarize the data on the available reserve of doctors in the state.

4. Will women doctors and pharmacists be allowed to work abroad?

There will be no changes in the conditions for women to travel abroad from October 1, 2023. Every woman with a medical and pharmaceutical education can freely cross the state border, regardless of whether she is registered in the military or not. Currently, restrictions apply only to certain categories of civil servants and officials holding certain positions.

5. What are the main changes for women doctors and pharmacists?

There will be no changes for women doctors and women pharmacists. After all, military registration has been mandatory for them for more than 30 years. Moreover, all women between the ages of 18 and 60 who have a medical or pharmaceutical education or work in the following specialties: doctor, dentist, midwife, nurse, pharmacist, pharmacist and pharmacist, researcher, head of healthcare units, etc. must already be registered with the military. This rule has been in effect since 1992. Therefore, most women doctors and pharmacists are already registered with the military.

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