Healthy lifestyle as a basis for prevention of chronic diseases in Ukraine

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Chronic diseases such as cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) and diabetes remain one of the main causes of mortality in Ukraine.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 86% of all deaths in the country are related to non-communicable diseases, including CVDs and diabetes.

Therefore, prevention and promotion of healthy lifestyles are emphasized to reduce these statistics.

Lecture on healthy foods

The prevalence of chronic diseases

Mortality from cardiovascular diseases (CVD) in Ukraine continues to be one of the highest in Europe, which confirms the need for active preventive measures.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 67% of all deaths in Ukraine are related to non-communicable diseases, with CVDs accounting for the majority.

Data on risk factors:

  1. Hypertension: About 34% of the adult population of Ukraine suffer from high blood pressure, which significantly increases the risk of cardiovascular disease.
  2. Sedentary lifestyle: The problem of insufficient physical activity among the population remains relevant. According to recent data, about 40% of men and 36% of women lead sedentary lifestyles, which exacerbates the risk of CVDs.
  3. Smoking and overweight: Despite a decrease in the number of smokers, about 25% of the population continues to use tobacco, with a higher proportion of men. Overweight and obesity also remain a significant problem: more than 50% of adults are overweight, which is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

Risk factors for cardiovascular disease

Prevention programs and their impact

In recent years, Ukraine has intensified efforts to combat chronic diseases, especially cardiovascular diseases and diabetes, by launching new programs adapted to the current realities and challenges of the health system.

Since 2018, key initiatives have been non-communicable disease programs developed with the support of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.

Current initiatives include:

  1. Non-communicable Diseases (NCDs) Prevention Program: Launched in 2018, this program aims to reduce mortality and disability from diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, cancer and chronic respiratory diseases. The focus is on raising public awareness, strengthening primary health care and implementing prevention strategies at the national level.
  2. Anti-smoking and health promotion campaign: The campaign actively promotes initiatives aimed at reducing tobacco and alcohol consumption, as well as improving the diet and increasing physical activity among the population. Special attention is paid to controlling hypertension and preventing obesity.
  3. Digitalization of health services and improved access to treatment: Since 2020, Ukraine has been actively developing digital health platforms that allow people to more easily access information about their health, as well as to be screened for risk factors for chronic diseases.

These programs reflect the country’s commitment to reduce preventable deaths and improve public health by offering comprehensive interventions to improve quality of life and increase awareness of chronic diseases.

Table 1: Main risk factors for cardiovascular diseases in Ukraine

Risk factor Population share (%)
High blood pressure 30%
Smoking 35,2%
Overweight 33,8%
Low physical activity 38,6%

The family's cooking

The role of nutrition and physical activity

In Ukraine, great attention is paid to promoting healthy nutrition and increasing physical activity to prevent cardiovascular disease (CVD) and diabetes.

These measures are part of a set of national strategies to combat non-communicable diseases (NCDs) supported by the Ministry of Health and international organizations such as WHO.


Vegetable market

Healthy eating programs

The Ministry of Health of Ukraine is actively promoting campaigns to improve dietary intake. In particular, within the framework of these programs:

Products for a healthy diet

  • Reducing the consumption of saturated fats and sugar. In 2020, recommendations were launched to reduce the consumption of foods rich in saturated fats such as fatty meats, butter and cheeses. Instead, the public is encouraged to increase their consumption of vegetables, fruits and high-fiber foods such as whole grain products.
  • Recommendations to reduce sugar consumption. The Ministry of Health also supports initiatives to reduce the consumption of sugary drinks and products with added sugar. One example is the cooperation with large supermarket chains and manufacturers who are gradually reducing the sugar content of their products.

A plate of healthy food

  • “A plate of healthy food”. This educational program was developed on the basis of WHO recommendations. It promotes the idea that half of the plate should consist of fruits and vegetables, a quarter should consist of protein foods (fish, legumes), and the remaining quarter should consist of carbohydrates (whole grains).

Training in the gym

Examples of physical activity programs

Physical activity has also become an important part of prevention programs. For example:

  • “Healthy Ukraine”: As part of this initiative, free exercise classes for all age groups have been launched across the country. Group fitness classes are organized in parks and public places, and street exercise equipment is installed.

Children walking in nature

  • Programs for schoolchildren. Important attention is paid to the education of a healthy generation. Schools in Ukraine are introducing additional physical education lessons and offering recommendations to increase the amount of time spent playing outdoors. For example, the Movement is Life program promotes school-based activities such as school sports competitions and outdoor physical activity classes.

Results and prospects

According to the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, thanks to active campaigns, there has been a gradual decline in obesity rates and improved public awareness of healthy lifestyles.

For example, according to surveys, more than 60% of Ukrainians have started to become more conscious about their diet, reducing sugar and fat intake.

However, there is still much work to be done, as more than 50% of the population is still overweight, which continues to pose health risks.

These measures show that Ukraine is making significant steps towards improving the nation’s health through education, access to physical activity and proper nutrition.

Table 2. Impact of healthy lifestyle on the risk of chronic diseases

Healthy habits Reduction in CVD risk (%) Diabetes risk reduction (%)
Regular physical activity 30% 50%
Balanced nutrition 25% 40%
Smoking cessation 35% 30%

List of unhealthy foods


Prevention of chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes, is critical in Ukraine, where non-communicable diseases remain the leading cause of death.

For a country undergoing health care reform, successful implementation of prevention programs will be a key step in improving the nation’s health and reducing the burden on health care facilities.

Ukraine has already seen early successes in implementing prevention programs, such as reducing smoking rates and combating hypodynamia.

However, to achieve more significant results, it is necessary to continue to actively develop programs to improve nutrition and increase physical activity.

One of the keys to successful prevention is the introduction of comprehensive educational campaigns aimed at informing the population about the importance of a healthy lifestyle and timely medical monitoring.

Recommendations for further development of prevention:

  1. Expansion of educational programs: Massive information campaigns through television, internet and social media can significantly increase public awareness of healthy lifestyles and their impact on chronic disease prevention.
  2. Support at the level of government initiatives : Government programs aimed at regular screening of blood pressure, sugar and cholesterol levels can identify risks at an early stage. This will allow for better disease management and minimize the likelihood of complications.
  3. Encourage physical activity: Programs can be implemented at the municipality level to build and maintain infrastructure for walking, running, cycling and increase access to sports clubs and activities.
  4. Nutrition promotion : Campaigns to promote a healthy diet based on reducing sugar, salt and saturated fat intake can significantly reduce the risk of obesity and diabetes among the population. Access to quality and affordable healthy food is also important.
  5. Training of doctors and medical staff: Medical professionals should receive regular training on prevention and early diagnosis of chronic diseases so that they can work more effectively with patients at the primary care level.


With high mortality rates from chronic diseases, Ukraine needs to focus on implementing strategies to prevent these diseases.

Investing in prevention will help preserve the health of the population, reduce the financial burden on the health care system and improve the overall quality of life of citizens.

About the Author

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Kateryna Braitenko is a Ukrainian journalist and author specializing in writing articles for pharmaceutical publications. She holds a philology degree from Donetsk National University and a pharmaceutical degree from the National Pharmaceutical University in Kharkiv. She lives in Kyiv and continues her career, covering relevant issues in medicine and pharmaceuticals.

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