New content of pharmacy signs. Changes are permitted by a Cabinet resolution

Pharmacy signage
The document entered into force on September 13, 2023
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Pharmacy signage

On September 13, the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated July 11, 2023, No. 699 “On Amendments to Paragraph 161 of the License Conditions for Economic Activities in the Production of Medicinal Products, Wholesale and Retail Trade in Medicinal Products, and Import of Medicinal Products (excluding Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients)” came into effect.

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine decided to amend Paragraph 161, as approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated November 30, 2016, No. 929 (Official Gazette of Ukraine, 2016, No. 99, Article 3217; 2021, No. 78, Article 4933), with the changes attached. The resolution came into effect on the day of its publication – September 13, 2023.

What is changing?

The amendment to Paragraph 161 of the License Conditions for Economic Activities in the Production of Medicinal Products, Wholesale and Retail Trade in Medicinal Products, and Import of Medicinal Products (excluding Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients) adds a new paragraph after the fifth paragraph, which directly relates to what must be displayed on the signage and external advertising structures of a pharmacy establishment.

Therefore, as of September 13, 2023, the following is permitted:

  • On the signage of a pharmacy establishment, in addition to using the designation of the type of pharmacy establishment, it is allowed to indicate the name of the licensee, the pharmacy establishment, or the trademark owned by the licensee on legal grounds. However, this is only allowed on the condition that such a name does not contain references to the price level that could influence the consumer’s intentions to purchase goods from such an establishment.
  • Also, it is not allowed to provide information that could mislead the consumer about the orientation of the pharmacy establishment towards serving certain social groups of the population or comparisons with other pharmacy establishments.

You can review the document at this link.

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