Man’s health

Men’s health deserves special attention as many men tend to ignore their medical and psychological needs. Our page provides comprehensive information on important aspects of men’s health, including disease prevention, nutrition, physical activity and stress management. We strive to teach men how to maintain a healthy lifestyle and improve their quality of life.

Here you will find recommendations for preventing and treating common diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes and prostatitis. It also provides information about mental health and ways to combat depression and anxiety, which often remain underestimated among men.

Men’s health and vitamin D3

Vitamin D3 is a unique metabolically active substance that affects male health. In particular, it also affects sexual function. If we are chronically deficient in vitamin D, our reproductive system suffers as much as our musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, nervous and immune systems. Therefore, early compensation of its deficiency and prevention of its occurrence in the future […]

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Men and women develop hypertension differently and require different medications

First-choice drugs for women and men Despite the same system of blood pressure control, its regulation of blood pressure in men and women is somewhat different: In women, a key factor in the development of hypertension is aldosterone, a hormone that causes our kidneys to retain more sodium and therefore more fluid, leading to higher

Men and women develop hypertension differently and require different medications Read More »

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