Two medical teams from Lithuania came to Ukraine: four doctors (traumatologists, resuscitators) and eight nurses each. In total – 24 people.
According to Health Minister Viktor Lyashko, in the first days after the war started, some Ukrainian medical workers left for western regions or abroad, but the overwhelming majority of surgical and trauma teams continued to work. They have been treating Ukrainians “on adrenaline” for almost two months. But it is impossible to work in such a mode for a long time – the probability of medical error increases. In order for our medical heroes to have time to rest, the Ministry of Health is forming replacement teams. In particular, with the help of foreign specialists.
According to the Health Ministry, 230 foreign doctors are currently working in Ukraine. Among them, for example, are 60 specialists from Israel working in a field hospital in Lviv Region. Two weeks ago, together with an Israeli delegation, they inspected the work of the hospital.
In total, almost 2,000 doctors from other countries have applied to the ministry to come to work in Ukraine. Only from Lithuania there are 300 more willing to work in Ukraine, also the German Medical Association informs about 1.1 thousand specialists who have applied for willingness to come to help us.
Photos: Telegram by Mykhailo Radutskyi