A person wrapping a warm scarf around their neck when they have a sore throat is a typical picture. However, dry heat is not always good for a sore throat.
Not a cure, but a distraction
Many things seem obvious to us, for example, we are sure that coughing and sneezing with a cold is bad. In fact, both are normal defense reactions of the body, through which it seeks to mechanically remove pathogens from the respiratory tract. And at a speed of more than 100 kilometers per hour – that is how the air moves out of the lungs in a sharp exhalation, characteristic of coughing and sneezing. Approximately the same can be said about a sore throat: it is the result of inflammation of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, which thus signals its presence, and therefore prompts a person to do something. And this is where many people first of all wrap their neck in something warm.
In pharyngitis, when the throat hurts because of a viral infection, but the body temperature is normal or subfebrile, the favorite scarf will not hurt. It can give a sense of comfort and play the role of a so-called distraction like mustard plasters, which do not cure colds, but warm and allow not to focus on the pain, which subjectively reduces its intensity. If a person is affected by laryngitis, which caused loss or hoarseness of voice, dry heat will come in handy. In all other cases, it is necessary to think carefully whether to warm the neck or not.
Dangerous heat
In respiratory infections accompanied by high body temperature, as well as tonsillitis with purulent plugs in the tonsils, treating the throat with a warm scarf is contraindicated. On the contrary, “bring down” the temperature can help rubbing the skin with cool water, and relieve pain – cool compresses on the area of enlarged lymph nodes. The fact that cold causes blood flow, constriction of blood vessels and decreased sensitivity of nerve roots, which has the effect of reducing pain. It is important to avoid excessive hypothermia of the neck and make sure that a cool wet compress does not become warm after a while, i.e. it should be applied for a short time.
If you warm the neck with tonsillitis in the acute phase of the disease, it can increase inflammation, increase the zone of its spread and pus accumulation not only in the pharyngeal tonsils, but also in the deeper tissues. It is the incorrect application of heat that often leads to such complications of tonsillitis as paratonsillar abscess, otitis media, mastoiditis (inflammation of the mastoid process, which is located behind the ear), phlegmon and others.
A universal solution if you have a sore throat
When a sore throat occurs, the first thing to do is not to grab the cherished scarf. It is much more important to consult a doctor, ask if you can use heat, and even before that use a universal first aid remedy – over-the-counter topical medication (in the form of sprays, lozenges, etc.). Excellent proved itself, for example, a drug containing cetylpyridinium chloride and benzidamine hydrochloride. The first component is a broad-spectrum antiseptic, active against many common respiratory pathogens, in particular hemolytic streptococcus, pathogenic staphylococci, as well as pathogens of influenza. The second component of the drug is an NSAID that reduces pain, redness and swelling of mucous membranes.
The combination of these two substances in one drug is very rational and effective. The fact is that a sore throat is always characterized by the presence of two factors: infection and inflammation of the mucous membrane. It is important to eliminate both, which is what the drug of this composition does. It can be used to treat children over six years of age and adults. It is enough 3-4 lozenges per day to eliminate sore throat of any intensity – it makes the treatment economical and comfortable.