Why do most women have dental problems during pregnancy? Dentist’s explanation

Nearly 70% of women experience problems with their teeth and gums during pregnancy.
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Nearly 70% of women experience problems with their teeth and gums during pregnancy.

Most women suffer from tooth decay during pregnancy. The second problem faced by future moms is gum inflammation. Dr. Irina Trubka, Head of the Department of Dentistry at the P.L. Shupyk NMAPO, Vice-President of the Association “Academy of Dental Health”, explains why most women “in an interesting position” face these dental problems.

– To form the skeleton, the baby takes a certain amount of calcium, which is leached from the mother’s skeleton and teeth. Scientists estimate that the fetus accumulates 30 grams of calcium from the mother’s skeleton, which is mostly deposited into the skeleton during the third trimester of pregnancy. It is calculated that 13 mg of calcium per hour and 300 mg per day passes through the placenta of the fetus, – comments Irina Trubka.

Read more on the topic: Experts told what bristles of a child’s toothbrush should be.

According to the doctor, calcium is necessary for the child to form not only the skeleton and teeth, but also such vital organs as the nervous system, the muscular system, and the formation of the heart.

More information about how to preserve the health of teeth and oral cavity, when a pregnant woman can treat teeth without the risk of harming the future child can be learned at the joint author’s webinar of the head of the Department of Stomatology of P.L. Shupyk NMAPO, vice-president of the association “Academy of Dental Health”, Dr. Irina Aleksandrovna Trubka and orthodontist, Ph, Larisa Kornienko, Associate Professor of the Department of Pediatric Dentistry, IS P.L. Shupyk NMAPO, – “Prevention of dental problems in pregnant women” on youtube “Mr. Blister”.

Read also: Why is hygiene with braces so important?”

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