Delta Medical and Gilead (USA) donated approximately 170 courses of hepatitis C treatment to the Ternopil University Hospital.
Treatment of viral hepatitis C is complex, long and expensive, so the charitable assistance of the drug manufacturer Gilead and their distributor in Ukraine Delta Medical can hardly be overestimated.
– This is not the first donation that we realize together with our partners from Gilead. In April, we donated 1,772 packs of Eplpluza to the Ministry of Health,” says Gulia Pogotova, Marketing Director of Delta Medical. – This time we sent to the regions other, but no less important for patients with hepatitis C – Harvoni and Sovaldi.
The transfer of humanitarian aid took place in the presence of Vladimir Bohaychuk, Head of the Health Department of the Ternopil Regional State Administration, Stepan Barna, former Chairman of the Ternopil Regional State Administration, and Olena Gerasimenko, an infectious disease specialist of the Health Department of the Ternopil State Administration.
– We already have our own experience of using this drug, which we received earlier under the state program with the Ministry of Health of Ukraine,” says Elena Gerasimenko. – I believe that the need for such assistance is very great,
because right now in our registry in Ternopil region alone there are about 1200 hepatitis C patients. And this is not counting the unaccounted patients who are self-treated.
The next cities to receive humanitarian aid from Delta Medical and Gilead will be Vinnytsia, Uzhgorod, Ivano-Frankivsk and Chernivtsi. The joint mission of the two companies in this project is to make the treatment of deadly diseases effective and as accessible as possible for the people of Ukraine.