About 200 medicines, many of which have no analogues, will disappear from pharmacy shelves and hospitals in Russia

Suppliers are leaving the Russian market due to Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine and the collapsing ruble exchange rate
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According to the publication “Cold”, Russian hospitals and pharmacies received a document from the Ministry of Health, which listed 196 names of drugs that will disappear from the Russian market in the near future. Some of them have already disappeared from pharmacies.

According to the publication, some of them have no analogues in Russia.

A letter with a list of drugs that will cease to be supplied or manufactured in Russia came from the Ministry of Health to subordinate federal state budgetary institutions on July 27.

What medications ended up on the list?

The Ministry of Health’s list included Sivextro, an antibiotic that was created seven years ago. In addition to Sivextro, the list included other modern antibiotics used in Russian hospitals: “Invanz” (Ertapenem) and “Cubicin” (Daptomycin).

Among the 196 drugs, there were also many drugs used to treat cancer. Most of them are produced by the Israeli company Teva. Several doctors interviewed by “Kholod” are concerned about the disappearance of these drugs, as Russian generics, in their opinion, are inferior in quality and have many side effects, while Teva drugs are actively used in hospitals where patients with oncology are treated.

Also on the list are Zeptol (an antiepileptic drug) and Levodopa (an antiparkinsonian drug, which manufacturer Teva stopped supplying back in late 2020). The efficacy of Russian analogs of these drugs is nothing.

Another important drug that has been used universally is the steroid Medrol. It is administered to patients in case of severe allergic reactions.

Missing are drugs for cystic fibrosis (“Pulmozyme”) – a congenital disease in which thick mucus accumulates in various organs, which prevents breathing.

Also on the list were drugs used for combination therapy of HIV infection. Some of them have already become obsolete and should have disappeared from the market long ago – for example, Videx. At the same time, the HIV epidemic continues in Russia.

“The situation is simply appalling and will only get worse. Moreover, Russia does not officially recognize one of the most effective methods – pre-exposure prophylaxis.

Many drugs related to the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia will also disappear. For example, “Noogeron-Teva” (its certificate has already been revoked), which helped patients with dementia to improve their weakened concentration and memory for some time.

The French schizophrenia drug Solian will also disappear – there are no full analogs for it in Russia.

“Ozempic, CCA and No-Spah.

The list also includes popular drugs: for example, Ozempik, which is intended for the treatment of diabetes, but recently it has been actively used worldwide for weight loss.

In addition to Ozempik, the list includes many drugs whose names are familiar to every Russian. These include the popular cough and sputum medicine ACZ, children’s antipyretic Panadol, painkiller No-shpa, inhaler for asthmatics Salbutamol, tablets and lozenges for sore throat Lazolvan.

Ethyl alcohol will also disappear – however, only from one manufacturer. For all these drugs there are analogues, but less recognizable.

The list includes not only medicines, but also vaccines: Infanrix (to prevent diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis), Varivax (to prevent chickenpox), M-M-R II (against measles, mumps and rubella), RotaTek (to prevent rotavirus infection).

Why are the medications going away

Suppliers themselves are leaving the Russian market due to the full-scale invasion of Ukraine and the collapsing ruble exchange rate. In fact, they have to sell their goods at a discount of 30-40%, because the prices of vital drugs are regulated by the state – it sets maximum selling prices, which are not adapted to the fluctuating ruble exchange rate.

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