Influenza is one of the most common seasonal infections in Ukraine, especially during the cold season.
Every fall and winter, millions of residents of the country face flu symptoms, which can lead to serious complications and even death.
Statistics show that every year in Ukraine there is an increase in the incidence of influenza, especially among children, the elderly and people with chronic diseases.
In this context, influenza vaccination becomes an important tool for prevention and protection of public health.
The purpose of this article is to go into detail about why flu vaccination in 2024 is so important.
We will review the benefits of vaccination based on the latest research and recommendations from medical experts to bring you the most up-to-date and useful information.
What the flu is and why it is dangerous
Influenza is an acute respiratory viral illness caused by influenza viruses types A, B and C. The most common typesare A and B, which are responsible for seasonal epidemics.
Types A and B are most common and are responsible for seasonal epidemics.
The influenza virus is spread by airborne droplets through coughing, sneezing, or contact with contaminated surfaces.
Influenza is characterized by a rapid onset of illness, high fever, severe headache, muscle aches and general weakness.
Thedanger of influenza lies not only in its symptoms, but also in its possible complications.
These include pneumonia, bronchitis, otitis media, sinusitis, and exacerbation of chronic diseases such as asthma, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.
Particularly vulnerable groups are children under 5 years of age, adults over 65 years of age, pregnant women and immunocompromised individuals.
Flu Vaccination 2024
Flu vaccination is the most effective way to prevent the disease and its complications.
The influenza 2024 vaccine is formulated to include current strains of the virus predicted by the World Health Organization (WHO).
Annual updates to the vaccine formulation provide protection against the most common variants of the virus predicted to circulate during the season.
Features of the 2024 flu vaccine:
- Updated strains: The vaccine includes current strains of the virus, maximizing protection.
- Production technologies: Modern production methods allow for the creation of vaccines of high safety and tolerability.
- Safety and efficacy: All vaccines undergo rigorous clinical trials to confirm their safety and efficacy. Vaccination is recommended by the World Health Organization and national health authorities of Ukraine.
How and where to get a flu shot in Ukraine
In Ukraine, influenza vaccination is available at various medical facilities, including public and private clinics, as well as mobile vaccination points organized by local health authorities.
The vaccination procedure includes the following steps:
- Medicalconsultation: Before vaccination, you should undergo a medical examination and get a specialist’s advice to make sure there are no contraindications.
- Receiving the vaccination: The vaccine is administered by qualified medical personnel by intramuscular or subcutaneous injection, depending on the type of vaccine.
- Post-vaccination follow-up :After vaccination, a short period of follow-up is recommended to monitor possible reactions.
Thecost of vaccination can vary depending on the health care provider chosen and the type of vaccine.
However, free or discounted vaccination programs are available for certain categories of citizens, such as children, the elderly, health care workers and people with chronic diseases.
For detailed information on available vaccination programs and points of vaccination, it is recommended to contact local health authorities or visit the official websites of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.
Table 2: Statistics of influenza complications in Ukraine by age groups
Age group | Frequency of complications |
Children under 5 years old | 15% |
Ages 6-17 | 10% |
18-64 years old | 8% |
Over 65 years old | 20% |
The table shows that the highest incidence of complications is observed in children under 5 years of age and adults over 65 years of age
This emphasizes the need to prioritize vaccination of these population groups in order to reduce the overall morbidity and mortality from influenza in the country
New: Flu vaccination is now available in pharmacies in Ukraine
In 2024, flu vaccination has become even more accessible for residents of Ukraine thanks to an innovation: now the vaccination can be done directly in pharmacies.
The Ministry of Health Protection of Ukraine (MOH) reported that the first pharmacy has received permission to provide flu vaccination.
This practice is in line with the experience of the European Union and the USA, where vaccination in pharmacies is widespread.
Advantages of vaccination in pharmacies
Convenience and accessibility: now you do not need to make an appointment at a polyclinic or wait in lines.
Pharmacies are located in walking distance, which allows you to get vaccinated at a convenient time for you.
Saving time: the vaccination procedure at the pharmacy takes minimal time, which is especially important for busy people and families with children.
Reducing the burden on health care facilities: shifting some vaccination to pharmacies allows health care facilities to focus on other important tasks, especially in times of war and increased pressure on the health care system.
Increased vaccination rates: in the experience of other countries, the availability of vaccinations in pharmacies increases the overall vaccination rate of the population, which has a positive impact on public health.
How to get a flu shot at the pharmacy
To get a flu shot at a pharmacy, you must:
1. Get a prescription for the vaccine: ask your family doctor for a prescription (you can do this remotely).
2. Choose a licensed pharmacy: find a pharmacy that has been licensed by the MOH to administer the vaccination.
3. Purchase the vaccine: buy the vaccine directly from the pharmacy.
4. Fill out the consent for vaccination: sign the relevant documents before the procedure.
5. Getimmunized: receive the vaccine in a specially equipped room at the pharmacy.
6. Follow-up after vaccination: stay at the pharmacy for 30 minutes to monitor possible reactions.
7. Receive a certificate of immunization: you will be given a document confirming that you have been immunized.
8. Notify yourfamily doctor: give the vaccination information to your family doctor to update your medical records.
Requirements for pharmacies to provide immunizations
Pharmacies wishing to provide vaccination services must:
- Obtain a license from the Ministry of Health of Ukraine: to do so, they must submit an application and pass an inspection by an expert committee.
- Prepare staff: pharmacists must undergo special training and obtain the necessary knowledge and skills to provide vaccinations.
- Equip the premises: the pharmacy must have a separate vaccination room and waiting area, as well as the appropriate logistical equipment.
Thefirst licensed pharmacy is located in Kyiv at 84/20 Bolshaya Vasylkivska Street, room 3.
Significance of this innovation
The Minister of Health Protection of Ukraine, Viktor Lyashko, emphasized that “access to vaccination in pharmacies increases the overall level of vaccination coverage”, which has a positive impact on public health and reduces the burden on the medical system.
This is especially important in times of war and pandemic, when health care resources must be used as efficiently as possible.
According to the Ministry of Health, from September 30 to October 20, 2024, 351,729 Ukrainians were infected with influenza, ARVI and COVID-19. It is recommended to be vaccinated before the beginning of the flu incidence increase (in September-October), so that the immunity has time to form.
However, you can get vaccinated later – the main thing is not to postpone taking care of your health.
Benefits of the flu shot for children
Children are particularly vulnerable to infections due to immature immune systems. Flu vaccination for children has a number of significant benefits:
- Reducing the risk of illness: The flu shot significantly reduces the likelihood of contracting the virus and transmitting it in educational settings.
- Preventing complications:Complications from influenza are more common and severe in children than in adults. Vaccination reduces the risk of pneumonia, bronchitis and other serious illnesses.
- Ensuring collective immunity: Mass vaccination of children helps to reduce the circulation of the virus in the community, thus protecting unvaccinated family members, including the elderly and those with chronic diseases.
“Flu vaccination is the most effective way to prevent serious complications, especially in children and the elderly. I strongly recommend everyone to get vaccinated in the coming season, “ says Dr. Olga Petrenko, an infectious disease doctor from Kiev.
To help you better understand the differences between influenza and common respiratory viral infections (CRVI), here is a table comparing the main symptoms of these illnesses.
This will help parents quickly identify which illness their children are experiencing and take appropriate action.
Table 1: Comparison of symptoms of influenza and acute respiratory viral infections
Symptom | Influenza | ARVI |
Temperature | High (39-40°C) | Moderate (37-38°C) |
The onset of the disease | Sharp | Progressive |
Headache | Strong | Rarely |
Cough | Dry, agonizing | Humid, temperate |
Muscle pain | Expressed | Weak |
As can be seen from the table, influenza is characterized by more pronounced symptoms and an abrupt onset of illness. This emphasizes the importance of timely diagnosis and preventive measures such as vaccination.
Why it is important for adults to get a flu shot
Flu vaccination is important not only for children, but also for adults for several reasons.
Protecting your own health
The flu shot helps reduce the risk of contracting the virus and developing severe complications such as pneumonia, bronchitis, and exacerbation of chronic diseases (asthma, diabetes, cardiovascular disease).
In adults with weakened immune systems or chronic illnesses, influenza can be particularly severe.
Vaccination reduces the likelihood of hospitalization and serious health consequences.
Protecting your loved ones
Vaccination protects not only you, but also your loved ones. A vaccinated person is less likely to pass the flu virus to others.
This is especially important to protect children, elderly relatives, and immunocompromised people who may be more vulnerable to complications.
By creating a “protective barrier” around you, you help reduce the spread of the virus in your family and community.
Supporting the health care system
Reducing the number of flu cases reduces the burden on health care providers, allowing them to allocate resources more efficiently.
During epidemics, this is especially important as it allows health care staff to focus more attention on patients with other serious illnesses and respond effectively to public health emergencies.
Work ability
Influenza can cause significant disability due to the need for extended sick leave.
Vaccination can help prevent the disease or ease its course, allowing you to maintain your ability to work and avoid the financial losses associated with missed work days.
This is especially important for working adults and parents who are responsible not only for themselves but also for the well-being of their families.
Myths and facts about flu vaccination
There are many misconceptions about flu vaccination. Debunking these myths will help you make an informed decision about whether to get vaccinated.
- Myth: The flu vaccine can cause illness.
- Fact: Vaccines contain inactivated viruses or components of viruses that cannot cause illness. Some vaccines contain live weakened viruses, but these also do not cause the flu.
- Myth: Vaccination is ineffective because the strains of the virus are constantly changing.
- Fact: The vaccine is updated annually to reflect predicted strains of the virus, providing protection against the most current variants.
- Myth: Vaccinations are unsafe and cause serious side effects.
- Fact: Vaccines undergo rigorous clinical trials and post-release monitoring to ensure their safety. Side effects are usually minimal and short-lived.
“Many parents fear flu vaccination because of myths and unreliable information. It is important to consult a specialist and get reliable information about the benefits and safety of vaccination, “ adds Dr. Iryna Kovalenko, a pediatrician from Lviv.
Effectiveness of influenza vaccination according to research data
A table based on research data is presented to evaluate the effectiveness of influenza vaccination by year.
These data show a trend of increasing vaccine effectiveness due to improved technology and precise selection of virus strains.
Table 3: Effectiveness of influenza vaccination
Year | Vaccine efficacy |
2021 | 60% |
2022 | 65% |
2023 | 70% |
2024 | 72% (forecast) |
The efficacy of influenza vaccines is gradually increasing, reflecting continued improvements in how they are developed
In 2024, 72% efficacy is projected to be achieved, making vaccination an even more reliable means of protection against influenza
Additional recommendations
- Regular consultations with yourdoctor: It is recommended that you discuss your individual risks and benefits of the vaccination with a medical professional before getting vaccinated
- Informing yourloved ones: Tell your family and friends about the benefits of vaccination so that they also take part in preventive measures
- Hygiene: In addition to vaccination, it is important to practice good personal hygiene, such as frequent hand washing and using masks in crowded places
By following these tips, you will significantly reduce your risk of getting the flu and its complications, ensuring the health and well-being of yourself and your loved ones
Flu vaccination is an effective and safe way to protect yourself and your loved ones from a dangerous disease and its complications.
The 2024 flu vaccination takes into account the current strains of the virus and is recommended for both children and adults, especially those who are in high-risk groups.
Responsible attitude to your health and the health of those around you helps to strengthen collective immunity and reduce the spread of the virus in society.
Don’t put off taking care of your health for later – go to the nearest medical center and get your flu shot today!
Protect yourself, your family and your community from the threat of seasonal flu epidemics.