Closed medical information will be opened. The list of health data subject to public disclosure has been amended

In order to make it possible to receive up-to-date information from data in the field of health care to be made public, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine adopted a relevant decree. It implies actualization of the system of open data. Information about these innovations was published on the official website of the Ministry of Health.

What will be removed from the list of open information?

Some data will be removed from the order of public disclosure, and some, on the contrary, will be included in it. In particular, due to significant changes in healthcare legislation, the following data will be removed from the list of open data:

  • list of certain medicinal products that are included in the National Register and for which  marginal wholesale prices are set;
  • data on the issuance and revocation of licenses for traditional medicine, healing;
  • data on the reimbursement price register for insulin products;
  • COVID-19-related data;
  • data from clinical trials of certain drugs.

What previously closed data will become open data?

In view of the public interest in the information, the following, among others, will be included in the disclosure list:

  • data on marginal wholesale prices for medicines purchased with budget funds;
  • data on prices for medicines subject to reimbursement under the program of state guarantees of medical services to the population;
  • list of accredited health care institutions, etc.

Recall, the Ministry of Health is also working on the creation of an information data platform.

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