Benefits for citizens
Patient summaries, electronic prescriptions, laboratory results and treatment reports will be available throughout Europe. Patients will be able to share this data with health care providers in their country of residence or abroad.
Security and privacy
Although researchers, industry, and government agencies will be able to use some patient health data, the regulations include strict measures to protect personal information. Patients will be able to add data, correct it, restrict access to others, and receive reports on what information about them is being used and for what purpose.
Benefits for healthcare professionals, researchers and industry
A single European format will allow healthcare professionals to access patient data more quickly, even if the patient is from another EU country. Improved access and exchange of medical information will make administrative procedures faster and cheaper.
Researchers will have faster, cheaper and more efficient access to higher quality medical data. It will become much easier for healthcare providers to provide their services in other EU countries. Data availability can stimulate the growth of the digital health industry by 20-30% per year.
The financial component
As a result of improved access, exchange and use of health data, the expected savings in the EU over the next ten years will amount to almost €11 billion.
EU country commitments
By the end of 2025, all EU countries must establish national health data access services based on the MyHealth@EU platform and organize a digital health authority to protect people’s rights.
Position of the European Parliament
The European Commission’s proposal on electronic cross-border health services is approved in December 2023. At the same time, MEPs call for the collection of confidential medical data only with the permission of patients, and the use of health information in employment or financial services should be banned.
Next steps
The Parliament is ready to start negotiations with EU governments on the final text of the law.
According to the European Parliament