A regular meeting of the specialized Committee was held, during which they considered the preparation of NAMNU institutes for the transition to a unified medical space and the bill on managed access contracts. This was reported by the head of the Committee Mikhail Radutsky.
According to the MP, the meeting heard a report by the management of the National Academy of Medical Sciences. According to the academy’s vice-president Volodymyr Kovalenko, the institutions need 56m hryvnyas to equip all workplaces with computers and servers.
Natalia Husak, Chair of the NHRI, reported that monitoring of compliance with the contracting requirements of 9 institutes showed non-compliance with the organization of medical care provision. This concerns both the lack of medical equipment and specialists.
Institutes can theoretically apply for one package – medical outpatient care. According to Health Minister Viktor Lyashko, the Health Ministry will develop a roadmap for each institute to integrate into a single medical space.
The Committee’s decision recommends that the institutions be licensed to work with narcotic drugs, the use of ionizing radiation sources together with the NHRIs to train staff to enter data into the EHSAS, and that the 2024 state budget for the financing of NAMNU institutions be spent on material and technical base as a priority.
The second issue is Bill 9428 regarding managed access contracts.
At the initiative of our Committee, in 2020 the VR passed Law No. 539-IX, which allowed the Ministry of Health to enter into managed access contracts with the applicant. Under the DDC, an innovative drug is purchased directly from the manufacturer at a reduced price. Currently, contracts have been concluded for the purchase of 11 drugs for the amount of UAH 670 million. This tool has proven its effectiveness, so the draft law No. 9428 proposes to introduce DCD into the legislation on a permanent basis. The Committee on Economic Development has been identified as the main person in charge of preparing the bill.