The Streltsy had fought since 1914 against the Moskals, the Kuban Cossacks and other Russian military weapons that were trying to conquer our lands during the First World War. But the history of the USS’s combat victory in Soviet Ukraine has been tried to be erased.
Among the USS volunteers were artists with professional art and music education. They introduced special uniforms (the AFU Mazepinka came from them!), created Ukrainian-language military terminology, used blue-and-yellow symbols, and opened more than 150 folk schools in Volyn.
They also left an incredible legacy of war songs and marches. The Ukrainian Sechen Sagittarians fought to the tune of “Chervona Kalina. A hundred years ago, in the legionaries contemporaries saw a generation with a chivalrous will, which will certainly have a continuation.
And this prophecy is coming true right now, when to “Chervona Kalina” modern Tribes of Trident go into battle against the Russian invasion.
They go, and confidently destroy it.