Passing the VLC will become faster, inspections continue at MSEC

Ministry of Health of Ukraine
The Ministry of Health continues to work on the implementation of the decision of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine on military medical examination in the AFU, which was enacted by the Decree of the President of Ukraine
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Ministry of Health of Ukraine

For this purpose, within the framework of interagency cooperation, changes with the VLC continue in different directions: legal, organizational, digital.

At present, together with the National Health Service, specifications and conditions for the procurement of medical services under the package “Medical examination of persons organized by territorial centers of manning and social support” have been updated. The amendments provide for the establishment of deadlines for examinations and medical examinations of persons liable for military service, namely:

  • conducting medical examinations on fitness for military service – not more than 4 working days;
  • conducting laboratory tests – not more than 3 working days;
  • conducting instrumental tests – not more than 3 working days.

The chairmen of regional military administrations, heads of territorial recruitment and social support centers, and employees of health care institutions must comply with these deadlines. They should also organize rational routes for passing the VLK and control that persons liable for military service undergo medical examinations out of turn.

Another step towards full digitalization of processes has been taken. Medics working in the VLC at the recruitment centers use the electronic health care system. Therefore, if necessary, they can revise existing records of other physicians entered in the EHR, create electronic referrals for necessary diagnostic procedures, etc.

Also, the Ministry of Health together with the NHRI, with the involvement of the AFU Medical Forces Command, conduct ongoing training activities for VLK employees, including on the procedure for passing military medical examinations. At the same time, cross-checks on the validity of decisions on the establishment of disability, which were made after February 24, 2022, continue.

They are conducted by working groups, which according to the task of the National Security and Defense Council were determined by the order of the Ministry of Health in September of this year.

We shall remind you that the Ministry of Health trains doctors in the VLC to work with electronic document management.

Ministry of Health

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