On February 28, Moscow blogger Ekaterina Didenko, known in Instagram as “pharmacy revisor ” (1.5 million followers), celebrated her birthday. The event ended in tragedy: Ekaterina’s friends and her husband died. Mr. Blister” found out all the details of the accident.
The celebration went on in one of the Moscow bath complexes live: subscribers saw the table, guests, heard the toasts. During the party, Ekaterina’s husband poured 25 kg of dry ice into the pool. It is still not known whose idea it was. The chemical reaction did not take long: carbon dioxide was released, which caused people in the closed room to lose consciousness. Three guests died due to pulmonary edema, including the husband of the birthday girl Valentin. There were a total of 18 people at the event.
Video of the tragedy was broadcast live. Available at the link on the Telegram channel Mash.
Dry ice is only safe outdoors
As “Mr. Blister” commented to the candidate of chemical sciences Valeria Ivanovich, dry ice is solid carbon dioxide (CO2), which, unlike ordinary ice, does not melt, but goes into a gaseous state with the release of carbon dioxide, which in a closed room fraught with suffocation.
– In confined spaces, without proper ventilation,CO2 can replace air, causing suffocation. When handling dry ice, it is necessary to observe safety measures: avoid contact with the skin and eyes to avoid frostbite, as the temperature of dry ice is -79 °C. You should not swallow dry ice – there may be serious damage to internal organs, – comments Valeriya Ivanovich.
The expert recommends refraining from using dry ice altogether if possible.
What is known about Catherine Didenko
Naturally, the education of the blogger, who positions herself as a pharmacy expert, raised the most questions. The fact is that, according to pharmacists and chemists, knowledge of the properties of dry ice and the dangers of its use indoors are elementary things that are difficult for a specialist to forget. (Nevertheless, it is perfectly free to buy dry ice. The price varies from 50 to 100 UAH per kilogram).
Ekaterina herself wrote about herself that she grew up in Taganrog and graduated from a pharmaceutical academy. She worked part-time in a pharmacy. Later, the girl, according to her, was invited to Moscow, “to a European pharmaceutical company”. While on maternity leave with her first child, Didenko began to develop her blog. Success came after broadcasting the birth of her second child in the stories.
Ekaterina had been married to her deceased husband Valentin for 11 years, they raised two children. Valentin was an accountant by education, also learned the profession of an electrical engineer, but did not work in his specialty. Now Ekaterina is left alone with two children.
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