A number of changes want to make to the existing rules of wholesale and retail sale of drugs and medical products in Kazakhstani pharmacies. The draft document was put up for discussion on the portal “Open NAPs”, according to Liter.kz..
If the amendments are adopted, pharmacies in Kazakhstan will be prohibited from selling medicines that expire in less than six months for wholesale sales and two months for retail sales.
“Currently, the Medical and Pharmaceutical Control Committee, as well as territorial departments receive complaints about the dispensing of drugs with a suitable expiration date. In order to exclude the possibility of dispensing to the population of medicines with expiry date, taking into account the period of use of medicines, including periodic use, a norm is introduced to specify the expiration date of dispensed medicines”, – says the explanation to the document.
They also want to prohibit the placement of drugs that are dispensed only by doctor’s prescription in shop windows.