“A steady increase in the financing of medicine at the primary level, investing in the health of the population is a contribution to the economic development of our country,” – Iryna Nadashkevich, Deputy Chairwoman of the NHPA.
Irina Nadashkevich took part in the International Conference dedicated to the 45th anniversary of the Alma-Ata PHC Declaration and the 5th anniversary of the Astana Declaration “Policies and practices in primary health care: striving for high results”. This conference was an official side event of the 73rd session of the WHO Regional Committee for Europe.
The conference organized by WHO ERB together with the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and the Government of Kazakhstan was held on October 23 in Astana.
Conference participants – officials from ministries of health responsible for the technical aspects of primary health care service organization, as well as scientific and technical experts from research and educational institutions, international and non-governmental organizations involved in the development of primary health care services, worked together on a strategy and practical measures to transform primary health care in line with the requirements of tomorrow, with the aim of moving towards universal coverage of services In addition, during the panel sessions, experts shifted the focus from concepts to action, identifying factors that contribute to its successful implementation, based on positive country experiences.
“Key issues that should be mandatory in the PHC development strategy is the integration of inter-level care, which requires the development of multidisciplinary teams and cooperation with the social sphere. Special attention should be paid to the accessibility of health services in rural areas. The driver of PHC policy development in rural areas should be the continuity of the policy of development of access to health services. The introduction of different models, which will take into account requests for health services by geographic and demographic criteria, will make it possible to develop a flexible system. Thus, for rural areas with low population density and/or remote areas, the introduction of mobile outpatient clinics and telemedicine becomes a priority for many countries. Powerful presentations during the panel sessions by experts and colleagues from different countries motivated to reconsider and continue the development of primary health care in Ukraine”, – notes Iryna Nadashkevych, Deputy Chair of the NHRI.