This year, along with 15 European countries, Kazakhstan has been a participant in the study for the second year in a row. In addition, for the first time, Uzbekistan was included in the study.
The study was conducted with the assistance of the research company Human8. About 2,000 people were interviewed in each country, and in total, the number of participants in the study was 32,013 people aged 18 to 99.
The Health Report 2023 study covers such key healthcare topics as attitudes toward chronic diseases, psychological health, the effects of war and crisis, general health and disease prevention, and satisfaction with healthcare services.
According to the survey, issues related to the pandemic are fading into the background, replaced by the effects of the crisis and concerns about the availability of medicines.
Thus, 14% of Europeans have to save money on medicines. However, there has been an overall increase (up to 19%) in the use of medicines in European countries. The frequency of pharmacy visits increased by 3% year-on-year to 59%. However, there has been a sharp decline in the need for individual counseling in pharmacies after the pandemic.
The economic crisis has caused a decline in financial stability. Respondents in all countries say they are forced to cut back on spending in many areas, including health treatments, sports, fresh food, vitamins, and medicines. But at the same time, respondents are sleeping better. Overall satisfaction with healthcare services is declining in many countries.
STADA Health Report 2023 figures
We invite you to familiarize yourself with the main figures of the STADA Health Report 2023 study.
So, in recent years, it has become more apparent than ever before how vulnerable our health is. People have taken note of this fact and have become more concerned about their well-being:
- 14% of respondents said they had cut healthcare costs;
- 26% save on medicines;
- 66% tend to take care of their physical health;
- 37% increased their vitamin intake;
- 26% started eating healthier food;
- 19% have started to undergo preventive medical examinations more often, which is a key factor in maintaining good health and detecting diseases at early stages to increase the chances of effective treatment;
- The most popular screening procedure is a gynecological examination, with 70% of women surveyed undergoing it regularly.
- The second most popular diagnostic test is a general blood test (42%), and the third is a general medical examination, which is performed by 64% of respondents;
- 82% are ready to undergo genetic testing for the risk of a disease;
- More than 44% do not undergo any preventive medical examinations. The reasons include lack of information, lack of time, and the high cost of the examination;
- 45% of respondents consider cancer to be the most frightening disease, 16% – stroke, 18% are afraid of heart attack.
- 67% of respondents rate their psychological health highly.
STADA Health Report 2023 contains data that can help healthcare professionals better understand people’s behavior, their level of pharmaceutical and health literacy, their needs and concerns about their health, which in general makes it possible to improve the healthcare system, make it more responsive and focused on the interests of the population.